Rules of visiting the salon

The rules of visiting the erotic massage salonOur salon values its status and respects reputation of each visitor. That is why we urge you to keep up the visiting rules determined by our establishment and consider some nuances.

  • We are not sex salon and never render sexual services to clients. Any attempt of the masseuse to enter into a sexual relationship with the client is definitely punishable by her dismissal.
  • Our visitors are people who have reached the age of 18 only.
  • It is strictly forbidden to bring alcohol and any drugs to the girls' apartments.
  • For security reasons, it is forbidden to bring weapons, both firearms and cold, traumatic or gas.
  • In order to maintain absolute confidentiality in the salon it is completely prohibited to make photo and video.
  • Please observe silence and tact when visiting the salon.
  • Do not try to show aggression against the masters of massage or other employees of our salon: the administration keeps vigilant watch on the occurrence of such situations and in case of violation could ask you to leave the establishment without a refund of deposit for the service.
  • The administration of the salon has the right to refuse you in service without explaining the reasons.

We not only introduce prohibitions and restrictions, but also are ready to provide you with a number of fetching and nice bonuses.

  • Erotic massage is not a medical procedure, so it does not require the preliminary passing through medical commission.
  • For us, the visitor's social status and the thickness of his wallet doesn’t matter.
  • It is allowed to gently touch a body of the serving you masseuse if this process does not have excessively intimate character.
  • Our girls will not ask you too many questions, but if necessary they will become grateful listeners and will delicately support the conversation.

Let's respect each other, and then a visit of our salon will bring you extremely positive emotions.